September 3, 2007

Second Year - Book Review

You now have a book to read from the library - get reading! Write a short book review like the one you did in first year. More to follow on format in later posts. You have to submit book review by October 10th.

I would like to create a recommended reading book list. Post a comment naming your favourite book and say in LESS THAN 25 words why someone else should read it.

Happy Reading.

Just finished latest Anthony Horrowitz and would recommend it.

Anyone read Philip Pullman yet? What about Artemis Fowl books?

Looking forward to hearing from you.


Anonymous said...

What happens if you don't read a book by then because you do not have one to read?
please reply :)

Mrs Nicol said...

Annonymous, if you do not have a book you have to get one. I suggest walking to the first floor and taking one out from the school library (we did all do this). Or you could go to your local library and take out a book or even more radically you could visit a book store and buy one. If all that does not appeal go to a site like itunes and buy an audiobook to download and listen to. If you would like suggestions as to what to read let me know if you are male or female so I can make suggestions. Not having a book is NOT a valid reason for not doing the review!!!